Privacy Policy and Notice of Information Practices

PracticeStar, LLC (“we”, “us”, or “our”) is a U.S. company that operates the online service located at and related services and apps, all under the PracticeStar name (collectively, the “PracticeStar System”). This Privacy Policy describes our practices in connection with our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.

The PracticeStar System is designed for use by coaches, players age 13 and above, and parents and guardians of players. Although the PracticeStar System is not designed for use by players under the age of 13, such players may access the PracticeStar System from time to time, so this Privacy Policy includes our practices relating to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information provided by children under the age of 13.

The personal information we collect

We value the privacy of all our users. We collect only the information that is reasonably necessary for users to participate in the PracticeStar System, and we will never sell any personally identifying information to third parties. All the information identified in this section below is referred to in this Privacy Policy as the “personal information."

We collect information from organization administrators, coaches, parents and guardians, players age 13 and above, and players under the age of 13.

From organization administrators, we collect information pertaining to the administrator (first name, last name, and email address), the organization he or she represents (organization name, street address, phone number, and email address), and the teams that are part of the organization. Organization administrators also have the ability to provide us with all the information collected from coaches, parents and guardians, and players, as set forth below.

From coaches, we collect information pertaining to the coach and other coaches (first name, last name, and email address) and the team that he or she coaches, including the team name, the sport in which the team participates, the seasons in which the team operates, the activities that the team does for practice, the prizes awarded for those activities, the assignments given to players, and the players on the team. Coaches also have the ability to provide us with all the information collected from parents and guardians and players, as set forth below.

From users age 13 and above, we collect the user's first name, last name, and email address.

From players of all ages (including players under the age of 13), we collect the player’s first and last name; the player's parents' and guardians' first and last names; the player’s progress on athletic drills or practice activities; and the dates and times of that activity.

For all users of the PracticeStar System (including organization administrators, coaches, parents and guardians, children age 13 and above, and children under the age of 13), we collect the following additional items of personal information: a randomly generated “session ID” to enable the PracticeStar System to identify the user, serve the user in the context of a logical online session, and restrict the user to the areas of the PracticeStar System that the user is authorized to access; the amount of time spent on the PracticeStar System; the date(s) and time(s) that the user uses the PracticeStar System; an IP address, device ID, customer number, or similar identifier; the user's browser type and operating system; web pages viewed; links clicked; and any referring URL or page that led the user to the PracticeStar System.

How we use the personal information

We use the personal information to provide our services, including personalizing content on the PracticeStar System, restricting users to the areas of the PracticeStar System that they are authorized to use, understanding how users access and use the PracticeStar System, improving the PracticeStar System, and responding to user desires and preferences. The PracticeStar System enables players, including children under the age of 13, to make personal information (the player’s name and athletic practice history) available on leaderboards visible only to those within the player’s organization, including organization administrators, coaches, players, and players’ parents and guardians. To provide this functionality, we must collect and maintain the player’s name and practice history. We may also use the personal information to present users with products or services that may be of interest to them. Finally, we use the personal information to provide technical support and to conduct research and analysis.

How we share the personal information

We will never sell the personal information we collect. We disclose the personal information to third parties only as follows:

(i) we display players’ first and last names and athletic performance data on the PracticeStar System, thereby making that personal information visible to persons within the player’s organization, including organization administrators, coaches, players, and players’ parents and guardians;

(ii) we may disclose the personal information to third-party service providers, contractors, vendors, or agents who perform functions on our behalf;

(iii) if we are acquired by or merged with another company, if substantially all of our assets are transferred to another company, or as part of a bankruptcy proceeding, we may transfer the personal information we have collected from our users to the other company;

(iv) we may disclose the personal information to comply with the law, court order, subpoena, or other legal process, or as reasonably necessary to participate in any legal proceeding; and

(v) we may disclose the personal information if we believe that such disclosure is necessary to investigate, avoid, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, potential threats to safety of any person, or violations of our Terms of Service or Privacy Policy.

In the event we share personal information with a third party as described in subparts (ii)-(v) above, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that the third party provides the same protection of user data as stated in this Privacy Policy.

Our data transmission, retention, and deletion policies

All data transfered within the PracticeStar System (for example, between an app and a PracticeStar server) is sent and received over an encrypted SSL connection. To enable coaches and players to track progress over time, we do not delete user data in the regular course of business. If you would like us to delete your personal information from the PracticeStar System, please submit a request to

Our contact information

The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the operators collecting or maintaining personal information from children under the age of 13 through the PracticeStar System are as follows:

PracticeStar LLC
5900 Balcones Drive, Suite 100
Austin, Texas 78731
(512) 693-8445