
The Player Dashboard includes a leaderboard, which shows all players' performance on drills. Players compete with one another to advance on the leaderboard, and in the process, they develop superior fundamentals.

In addition, coaches can motivate players by defining prizes to be awarded to top performers or to any player who achieves a designated threshold on an activity over a season (for example, completing 500 free throws in basketball).

  1. Leaderboards -- Leaderboards rank all players on drills over the course of a season. Players can see where they rank and are motivated to practice in order to move up the leaderboard.
    Players are ranked on a team leaderboard
  2. Prizes -- Coaches can create prizes to reward players for performance, and players can see where they stand in the competition for prizes.
    Coaches can create prizes
    The Player Dashboard shows players where they stand in the competition for prizes